Torrent movie online
Torrent movie online

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They only reason they are chasing after pirates is because they are driven by they greed and incorrect perception of 'opportunity cost'. Considering their current ever increasing profits from year to year, the industry is booming. So in reality, the industry will enjoy a negligible profit increase - that's all.

torrent movie online

Only a small percentage of pirates will switch to paying customers in a perfect scenario. That's absurd! A pirate is a person who will either steal a movie or not watch it. More importantly, eliminating piracy altogether will not convert all pirates to movie goers. If there's a chance to get more money, why not try? In reality, piracy is negligible and is not worth the policing effort. The reason they fight against piracy is simple - they want more money. The movie industry is nice an healthy, they make more money each year then the previous. Their model already exists and they have moved to it - movie theaters and netflix. There is a natural-rights case for copyright, but it extends only to the actual creators, and covers basically only correct attribution (as per some European laws ). And if tomorrow the legislators grant a private monopoly on air to Monsanto, then by your reasoning we all suddenly become thieves. So your argument comes down to the special case where A puts out a recorded work, counting on royalties to pay for it, then B makes unauthorized copies - then A suffers, in some sense, a loss of the hypothetical revenue.īut wait, did B agree to pay? If there was no contract between A and B, then the supposed moral/ethical case for making B pay is reduced to "because the legislators said so". In reality, of course, only the movie companies, some writers and a few big stars rely on percentages - the rest work for wages or get up-front money. Why did the camera, props, lighting and other workers contribute to the movie, if they weren't getting paid? How could they afford to? "Its not that anyone should always expect to pay for things that are beneficial, its the fact that people who very recently WORKED to create the very thing you are benefiting from should be PAID for their work."

Torrent movie online